Welcome to Discussion #1!

CS 160 · User Interface Design and Development · Spring 2024

Do Now: Create a Figma account here

(Use berkeley email)

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  • Get to know eachother
  • Learn HTML
  • Learn CSS


Figma ↗

Before we begin...

High Level Strategies

Don't start completely from scratch if you don't have to. Use the starter code/templates, inspect the code of websites you like, etc.

Good news: You can (and should) Google/chatGPT as needed. But remember, always cite your sources!


Hyper Text Markup Language

Example HTML



Document Object Model


Activity Time: Group Website

Work with the people around you to recreate your figma cards - If your team is confident, go ahead and recreate your shared board!

  • Go to CodePen and click on "Start Coding"
    • Or, open up VSCode or any editor, create .html file
  • Place all the content on the page, we'll look at how to style it later
    • How do you place images?
    • Is there an element that makes font bigger?
    • Bonus: start thinking about page hierarchy... what is a container?


  • Write HTML and display
    • CodePen
    • VSCode
  • HTML tags: <div>


Cascading Style Sheets

4 Ways to Add CSS to HTML

  • Inserting a style tag (in <head>):
  • Reference external style sheet:
  • Using the attribute style on a tag:
  • Javascript (we'll look at this later)

Activity Time: Demo

Throwing y'all in headfirst! I'll give a brief overview, then explore the other example with a partner. Once you're a bit more confident, return and style your html card.

Inspect Element

We'll look at this more in depth when we work with javascript, but for now, you should know how to access developer tools

  • Computed Styles
  • Select tool
  • Console


  • 4 ways to add css
    • Style tag
    • External style sheet
    • Attribute style
    • Javascript
  • CSS properties
  • Inspect element

Thank you!

Other resources: